I love her so much!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Where is Chloe??
Sometimes I like to put Chloe into unexpected things! She loves it and I think it makes for great photos! Tomorrow I am going to put her in my stock pot and also her dresser draw! She will appreciate this humiliation one day!

I love her so much!
I love her so much!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Is it harder now?
I often get the question if it is hard to have a baby? What is my life like now? And, is it harder when she was a newborn or now at 7 months?
When Chloe was first born we seemed to have a never ending line of visitors. In fact, it got so busy around here I had to keep a chart of who was coming when, by the hour. It was awesome, exhausting and overwhelming to be so loved and have all our friends and family be so excited for the new addition. Mostly we sat around and stared at the baby and sometimes dinner arrived. Family was here to help with the laundry, dishes, cleaning etc and it was nice to get a break from it all. I got to sit (c section only allowed me to sit) and nurse Chloe all day long. My Mom made me my favorite foods and friends pitched in here and there.
Well, after thinking about this for a week or so I can honestly say that it is harder now. MUCH HARDER!!! Chloe is more awake, needs more attention than ever, and no one is coming around anymore with the dinner cart. It is all on Russ and I now. I take care of Chloe all day, socialize her which involves packing up a car, hauling her around, carrying 20 things at once!), I clean all the time, I make EVERY meal, vacuum every other day, the dishwasher is run every night (sometimes twice in one day), nurse every 2-3 hours...the list goes on. There is always something that needs doing. When I used to "work" the laundry could wait till the weekend, I could stop at the store on the way home and it took 5 min to run in and out, you can pick up take out without having to change a diaper in the restaurant, you can answer the phone at anytime of day, complete a task from start to finish, sleep in if you feel like it...etc, etc. Life was much easier. I know the grass is always greener on the other side, but now having done both, the grass was greener, BUT I was never this much in love! I feel more complete as a person, more happy than ever and absolutly love the hard work. I LOVE my family!!!!!!! Crazy I know, but it is true.
I feel more busy than ever and seem to only sit down for one hour a night (which also involves me folding laundry...there is a pile with my name on it to the right of me at this very second!) I know that this is my life now and I am not complaining, I love it...but for anyone out there who has not had a baby yet. Enjoy the first two months! The first two month are easy!!! You can watch TV when nursing, read when nursing, talk on the phone, lay the baby down while you take a shower, sleep in every morning. Yes, you get up every 3-4 hours, but breakfast is made when you get up (because your family is there to help).
So yes, it is harder now! Everything has changed. But life is way more fun!
When Chloe was first born we seemed to have a never ending line of visitors. In fact, it got so busy around here I had to keep a chart of who was coming when, by the hour. It was awesome, exhausting and overwhelming to be so loved and have all our friends and family be so excited for the new addition. Mostly we sat around and stared at the baby and sometimes dinner arrived. Family was here to help with the laundry, dishes, cleaning etc and it was nice to get a break from it all. I got to sit (c section only allowed me to sit) and nurse Chloe all day long. My Mom made me my favorite foods and friends pitched in here and there.
Well, after thinking about this for a week or so I can honestly say that it is harder now. MUCH HARDER!!! Chloe is more awake, needs more attention than ever, and no one is coming around anymore with the dinner cart. It is all on Russ and I now. I take care of Chloe all day, socialize her which involves packing up a car, hauling her around, carrying 20 things at once!), I clean all the time, I make EVERY meal, vacuum every other day, the dishwasher is run every night (sometimes twice in one day), nurse every 2-3 hours...the list goes on. There is always something that needs doing. When I used to "work" the laundry could wait till the weekend, I could stop at the store on the way home and it took 5 min to run in and out, you can pick up take out without having to change a diaper in the restaurant, you can answer the phone at anytime of day, complete a task from start to finish, sleep in if you feel like it...etc, etc. Life was much easier. I know the grass is always greener on the other side, but now having done both, the grass was greener, BUT I was never this much in love! I feel more complete as a person, more happy than ever and absolutly love the hard work. I LOVE my family!!!!!!! Crazy I know, but it is true.
I feel more busy than ever and seem to only sit down for one hour a night (which also involves me folding laundry...there is a pile with my name on it to the right of me at this very second!) I know that this is my life now and I am not complaining, I love it...but for anyone out there who has not had a baby yet. Enjoy the first two months! The first two month are easy!!! You can watch TV when nursing, read when nursing, talk on the phone, lay the baby down while you take a shower, sleep in every morning. Yes, you get up every 3-4 hours, but breakfast is made when you get up (because your family is there to help).
So yes, it is harder now! Everything has changed. But life is way more fun!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Body Aches
My body hurts! Still! When will it stop????
During pregnancy my back hurt, my feet swelled up to a size 12 (Russ mentioned just now they were like circles! How nice) and then two weeks before labor my belly started to hurt! Chloe's head was pushing on my pubic symphysis!
Now...after having Chloe my body still hurts. It has been 7 months already and I am still in pain. First it was my c section pain, then my back again and now my shoulder feels like I tore the muscle hard core! Lets see why??
Lifting Chloe
Bending into very weird places with and without holding Chloe
Carrying the car seat with a 17lb baby in it
Loading the car with stroller, diaper bags, groceries, etc
Sleeping...I still can not sleep on my belly!
I know that is only a small list, but when you do each one of those items all day, over and over, it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!
Advil, here I come!
During pregnancy my back hurt, my feet swelled up to a size 12 (Russ mentioned just now they were like circles! How nice) and then two weeks before labor my belly started to hurt! Chloe's head was pushing on my pubic symphysis!
Now...after having Chloe my body still hurts. It has been 7 months already and I am still in pain. First it was my c section pain, then my back again and now my shoulder feels like I tore the muscle hard core! Lets see why??
Lifting Chloe
Bending into very weird places with and without holding Chloe
Carrying the car seat with a 17lb baby in it
Loading the car with stroller, diaper bags, groceries, etc
Sleeping...I still can not sleep on my belly!
I know that is only a small list, but when you do each one of those items all day, over and over, it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!
Advil, here I come!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Colorado Visit June 2010
Last week we took our first plane ride to CO. As we were boarding it occurred to me that Chloe's 1st time on a plane was at 6 MONTHS, and mine was when I was 8 YEARS old! Wow!
Both flights went really well and Russ and I were complimented by lots of people on how good Chloe was! Thank you so much little girl!! I even got to read part of a magazine on the way back...could this be the start of many great flights to come?? or the one and only time I get to relax??? We will see. We leave for Florida in a few weeks:)
Colorado was very fun and it was awesome to see Chloe interacting with her grandparents. She is at a perfect age for smiling, laughing and enjoying life with her family. We spent the first two nights at Grandma's and the next four at Nonna and Poppies. I thought sleep would be a nightmare, but to all of our surprise, she did great. Went down at normal time and woke up most mornings at 6am. It was great! Russ and I even got to sleep in till 9am because we took advantage of the grandparents morning babysitting offer!
Our main reason for traveling was to go to Andrew and Lyndsay's wedding. We took Chloe and it was so nice to be a guest, not the caterer behind the scenes. I was impressed by the venue and the wedding itself was very fun. Lots of good old faces to see and Chloe was a rock star. She slept when she was supposed to sleep, ate dinner with us, smiled, laughed and fell asleep all the way home down the mountain road. Super good time had by all!
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