Last week we took our first plane ride to CO. As we were boarding it occurred to me that Chloe's 1st time on a plane was at 6 MONTHS, and mine was when I was 8 YEARS old! Wow!
Both flights went really well and Russ and I were complimented by lots of people on how good Chloe was! Thank you so much little girl!! I even got to read part of a magazine on the way back...could this be the start of many great flights to come?? or the one and only time I get to relax??? We will see. We leave for Florida in a few weeks:)
Colorado was very fun and it was awesome to see Chloe interacting with her grandparents. She is at a perfect age for smiling, laughing and enjoying life with her family. We spent the first two nights at Grandma's and the next four at Nonna and Poppies. I thought sleep would be a nightmare, but to all of our surprise, she did great. Went down at normal time and woke up most mornings at 6am. It was great! Russ and I even got to sleep in till 9am because we took advantage of the grandparents morning babysitting offer!
Our main reason for traveling was to go to Andrew and Lyndsay's wedding. We took Chloe and it was so nice to be a guest, not the caterer behind the scenes. I was impressed by the venue and the wedding itself was very fun. Lots of good old faces to see and Chloe was a rock star. She slept when she was supposed to sleep, ate dinner with us, smiled, laughed and fell asleep all the way home down the mountain road. Super good time had by all!
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