I thought it was about time to post some pics of Mommy time!

Mommy Mimosa time meets every Thursday at 11am...a.ka Playgroup. As you can see we like our spiked OJ! It has become somewhat of a staple:) Luckily we hang out for at least 4 hours, eat a ton of food and try to also go for a walk...if the weather lets us...so one small mimosa is not a problem.
We have now been meeting for a month so I thought I should post some pictures of the babies...I have yet to get some good pics on the Moms (except Lauren above).
Here is the group:
Clockwise we have Danny, Allison, Chloe, Edie and Mae!

And here is Danny again!

And Allison!

And Edie moving so fast you can hardly see her!

And finally Mae!

And Chloe and Edie taking a nap, after lots of playtime!

Hopefully I will get some shots of the Moms this next week...but this will have to do for now.
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